"En rolig historia för söta lilla heo"
once upon a time there was a flying heo, she flew around the world to seek something, then one day she saw something round and fluffy. So she landed beside it and asked whats your name? the white and round and fluffy thing answered, my name is Banh bao. after she heard its name she smiled and said if the banh bao could be by her side, and the banh bao ofc said yes. but after a few days the flying heo got hungry and didnt know what to do then she looked at the round and fluffy banh bao and said, Im hungry =( banh bao then said hmm oh really, what should we do then? the flying heo got tired and fell asleep so banh bao sat there and was wondering what he could do then he decided! when the flying heo woke up she looked around but couldnt find her banh bao so she got scared, but as she was looking around she saw a pot, she opened the lock and saw a steamed meatbun in the pot! she got so happy and ate it, after she had ate she was smiling brightly once again, but then she remembered that her banh bao was lost and didnt know where to find him, then as she looked around she saw a letter. she opened it and it was a letter from her banh bao, in it, it said
Dear flying heo i didnt know what i could do for you, you where hungry and sad and i couldn't make you feel safe, so i thought about offering myself so you could at least smile for the time being and live on ^^ don't worry about me even if u ate me it just mean i can be around you 4-eva hihi hope u will live a good life from your banh bao in your stomach ♥
the flying heo first cried because the banh bao was stupid but as time went on and she was thinking about him she would smile brightly and say, hey banh bao its really heave to carry you around so i will shit you out and make u a nice grave where i can visit you, so she shit him out and buried him beside a cherry blossom tree and lived beside it for eternity. THE END HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Haha så gulliiiiiiiiiig ♥..
Dear flying heo i didnt know what i could do for you, you where hungry and sad and i couldn't make you feel safe, so i thought about offering myself so you could at least smile for the time being and live on ^^ don't worry about me even if u ate me it just mean i can be around you 4-eva hihi hope u will live a good life from your banh bao in your stomach ♥
the flying heo first cried because the banh bao was stupid but as time went on and she was thinking about him she would smile brightly and say, hey banh bao its really heave to carry you around so i will shit you out and make u a nice grave where i can visit you, so she shit him out and buried him beside a cherry blossom tree and lived beside it for eternity. THE END HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Haha så gulliiiiiiiiiig ♥..
Postat av: VKP
allltsåååå .....behöver jag ens säga något mer än HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!? jag trodde att jag hade sjukt fantasi men denna människan slog ut mig (för stunden)! MYKKEE BRAAA ! XD Haha ^^
smiiiileee flying heo, smiiiile! :p
Postat av: JnL
HAHA jaa gott folk the best is to shit u out XD